Third novel finished!!!
Lockdown is/has been miserable for all of us. I have tried to use the extra time productively and am pleased to announce I have finished...

On the home straight!
Just completed Chapter 32, and the end is in sight! Probably about 6 chapters to go. Have to go into self-isolation for a couple of weeks...

Summer and Covid
What a year so far. In Australia over the festive period and witnessed the bush fires first hand. Back home to storms and floods followed...

Season of mists etc.
Hooray for autumn and less work in the garden! More time to write at last. Just completed Chapter 14 so, about half-way through Book...
Time flies
Still writing but slowly! Well over a third the way through. The plot seems to have a life of its own with new characters coming out of...
Autumnal Update
I can't believe it is so long since I wrote a blog! Book 3 started well then I hit a wall - how to merge two plots to make sense not just...

March 2018
A new website at last! (Grateful thanks to Sam and Dave at Mogwai Media). Blind Pursuit and Second Sight continue to sell and judging by...

‘Blind Pursuit’, my first novel, introducing DI John Steadman as the blind detective, has been well received since its publication in...